Top 10 Charities for Female Education: Making An Impact 2023

Charities for Female Education

Looking for the best charities for female education? Are you looking to make a tangible impact in the world but don’t know where to start? Have you ever wondered how supporting female education can transform lives and build stronger communities? With an estimated 129 million girls out of school globally, the crisis in women’s education is urgent and needs immediate attention. According to UNESCO, educating women and girls has far-reaching benefits, not just for individual women, but also for their families and societies. Investing in women’s education can lead to higher economic growth, reduced poverty, and enhanced societal well-being.

This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on 10 of the best charities for women’s education that are making remarkable strides in improving access to education for women and girls worldwide. Some of the charities mentioned in this article have already been mentioned in our article on the best charities for women. But this article is more specific to the cause of women’s education.

By highlighting the unique missions and innovative programs of these organizations, we hope to inspire you to become a part of this significant movement. Whether you are an individual donor, an activist, or a philanthropist looking to align your values with meaningful action by supporting the best educational charities, this article is tailored for you. From renowned names like Malala Fund to specialized organizations like Step Up, we’ll delve into various facets of their work. How are they tackling challenges? What sets them apart? How can you get involved?

Continue reading till the very end to gain in-depth insights into these remarkable charities, learn various ways to support the cause of women’s education, and empower yourself to take action.

10 Top Charities for Female Education Making A Difference

Best charities for female education making a difference

1. Malala Fund – Promotion Education Worldwide

The Malala Fund, named after its founder Malala Yousafzai, has become a symbol of the struggle for girls’ education worldwide.

What does the Malala Fund do?

Established to champion every girl’s right to education, this charity for education, operates with the core belief that every girl should have access to free, safe, and quality education.

The Malala Fund focuses on regions where girls’ education is most threatened, including countries affected by conflict and oppression. By empowering girls and amplifying their voices, they take a stand for girls’ and women’s equality and education, advocating for policy changes at the highest levels of government.

Among the key achievements, the Malala Fund’s ‘Gulmakai Network’ stands out, as it supports more than 60 champions in eight countries. These activists are then enabled to bolster girls’ secondary education and dismantle the barriers preventing their schooling. With a 4-star rating on Charity Navigator, it is acknowledged for its transparency and efficacy.

The Malala Fund invites support through financial contributions – one-time or as a monthly commitment, engaging with their advocacy campaigns, or sharing their stories to spread awareness. These combined efforts multiply the impact of the organization and enable a broader reach in its mission.

Related: Top charities combating women’s abuse and domestic violence

2. Room to Read – Promoting Gender Equality in Asia and Africa

Room to Read is a leader in advancing literacy and gender equality, targeting low-income communities across Asia and Africa. They work to dismantle the cycle of poverty by empowering girls through education.

Their Literacy Program trains teachers, provides quality materials, and fosters reading habits in primary school children. For girls, Room to Read’s Girls’ Education Program supports them with life skills, mentoring, and material support to complete secondary school. This concerted effort provides avenues for girls to become independent and successful women. The Girl’s Education Program has already benefited over 3 million girls with over 97% continuing to stay in the program.

The organization is not only a growth engine for girls but its massive reach spanning over 32 million children in 16 countries reflects Room to Read’s impact-making capacity. Room to Read’s innovative, data-driven approach and partnership with local communities distinguish them from others in this field. Their consistent 4-star rating on Charity Navigator further highlights their effectiveness and commitment.

Supporting Room to Read can be multifaceted, from individual and corporate donations to volunteering opportunities and event participation, allowing people from various backgrounds to contribute to their mission.

3. Camfed – Campaign for Female Education in Africa

Camfed, or the Campaign for Female Education, is renowned for advancing girls education in Africa. It has been supporting girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa to attend school and become leaders of change. They focus on the poorest and most marginalized girls, many of whom are orphans or vulnerable children.

Camfed’s multifaceted approach provides financial support for schooling as well as a range of complementary support like uniforms, sanitary protection, and mentorship. This creates a nurturing environment that enables girls to thrive.

The organization’s alumnae network, CAMA, is a notable success, comprising over 250,000 young women leaders and philanthropists who have benefited from Camfed’s support. Their overall reach has also allowed over 6.4 million girls to enroll in education. Their focus on community-led solutions and individualized support is what sets them apart. With a 4-star rating on Charity Navigator, Camfed’s dedication to its mission is evident.

Ways to support Camfed can include one-time or regular financial contributions, corporate partnerships, or even organizing fundraising events. Each mode of support helps in extending the reach of Camfed’s remarkable work.

4. Educate Girls – Working for Girl Education in India

Educate Girls is a non-profit organization operating in India, committed to bridging the gender gap in education. They work in partnership with the government and communities to bring girls back to school in thousands of villages where the lack of education for girls is pronounced.

Educate Girls works to change community perceptions and behaviors toward female education and gender equality, fostering a supportive environment for girls to learn and grow.

The organization’s success includes its unique ‘Team Balika‘ volunteer program, where dedicated community members act as champions for girls’ education. Their model is scalable and cost-effective, allowing them to reach millions of children in underserved areas. With a transparent and accountable approach, Educate Girls has been recognized with accolades and awards

You can support Educate Girls through donations, corporate partnerships, or by spreading awareness about their impactful work.

5. She’s the First – Laying Down A Girl-Centered Design to Educate and Empower

She’s the First fights gender inequality through education, partnering with local organizations to ensure girls are educated, respected, and heard. They provide scholarships, mentorship, and support to help girls be the first in their families to graduate from secondary school.

Their work fucuses on a girl’s holistic well-being. This includes programs related to reproductive health, mental well-being, and gender rights, aiming to empower girls to take control of their lives.

She’s the First has transformed the lives of over 200,000 girls across 42 countries. Their unique approach emphasizes local partnerships and student leadership, making them a standout in the field. This organization, like most of the organizations listed above, has a solid 4-star rating on Charity Navigator.

Support for She’s the First can include donations, hosting fundraisers, or even becoming a campus or community chapter to actively engage in their mission.

6. Girl Rising – Using Storytelling and Creating Educational Material

Girl Rising is a global campaign for girls’ education and empowerment, utilizing the power of storytelling to change the way the world values girls and their education. Primarily they create films, media content, and educational resources to bring to the forefront stories of girls and how educating a girl can transform large communities and entire nations.

Their work is further followed up by collaborating with relevant organizations and taking steps to fortify the quality of education for girls. The organization believes in advocating for girls’ rights and empowering women through education. For this, it develops educational resources and programs that spotlight the voices and potential of girls, inspiring communities to fight for gender equality.

Girl Rising’s impact extends to multiple countries and cultures, sharing stories of real girls facing real obstacles. In 2022 alone, they reached over 124 million adolescents and over 30,000 educators across the world.

Supporting Girl Rising can be as simple as sharing their stories or as involved as financial contributions, event hosting, and corporate partnership.

7. School Girls Unite – Striving to Educate Girls to End Poverty

School Girls Unite, a youth-led non-profit organization based near the U.S. capital, focuses on combating prejudice against girls globally by promoting education and leadership. They recognize education as a human right and see it as a way to end poverty and foster peace, especially in regions like Mali where education for girls is often denied.

Working with a sister organization in Mali, they run a 14-year-old scholarship program, supporting 20 girls across three different schools in local villages.

The program is volunteer-driven, making the cost of supporting a student for an entire school year just $75. This initiative showcases their commitment to making education accessible to girls and resonates with their mission to utilize education to create a positive impact.

The organization invites those interested in making a difference to check out its “Get Involved” page. School Girls Unite has streamlined the contribution process, making it an achievable task for many to assist.

8. Step Up – Providing Mentorship to Girls

Step Up propels girls from under-resourced communities to fulfill their potential. They mentor high school girls to be confident, college-bound, and career-focused, offering after-school and weekend mentorship programs. The non-profit primarily focuses on high school girls between the age of 14-18 and young women between the ages of 18-29.

Step Up’s programs are crafted to provide girls with professional women mentors, skill-building, and confidence-enhancing activities. This creates a supportive environment for girls to thrive.

Their success in mentoring over 10,000 girls sets them apart, with 98% of their mentees graduating from high school, ready for college and careers. While their work is highly regarded, Step Up’s rating on Charity Navigator is not publicly available.

Individuals can support Step Up by donating, volunteering as mentors, or attending their events, contributing to the enrichment of more girls’ lives.

9. Girls Who Code – Bridging Gender Gap in Tech

Girls Who Code is a leading organization and a truly unique one. We have also mentioned it in our broader guide on the best women’s charities to donate to. This organization aims to close the gender gap in technology. They work with girls in 3rd-12th grade, offering programs to educate, equip, and inspire them to pursue careers in computing fields.

Their focus is on breaking gender barriers in the tech industry, providing girls with coding skills, mentorship, and exposure to tech jobs.

With an impact on over 580,000 girls, their unique focus on technology education sets them apart. Their efforts have seen significant success as they boast of alumni majoring in computer science at a rate 7 times the national average. Their 4-star rating on Charity Navigator reflects their excellence and commitment.

Girls Who Code can be supported through financial contributions, volunteering, and corporate partnerships, allowing multifaceted engagement with their transformative mission.

10. Friendship Bridge – Empowering Guatemalan Women with Non-Formal Education

Friendship Bridge is dedicated to empowering impoverished Guatemalan women to create a better future. They offer microcredit, education, and preventive health services, focusing on entrepreneurial women. They segment their focus into two categories: Dreamers and Entrepreneurs, each receiving tailored financial products and services.

Friendship Bridge’s Microcredit Plus program emphasizes the significance of non-formal education to create lasting change for women in Guatemala. The unique educational curriculum is tailored to their clients’ specific needs and backgrounds, considering that the average client has only 3.4 years of formal education. Through participatory lessons on business, women’s rights, health, and family, delivered in both Spanish and the local Mayan language, the program provides valuable skills and knowledge.

Friendship Bridge’s unique approach to women’s empowerment through microfinance has reached thousands of women, enabling them to start or expand small businesses.

You can support this organization through financial contributions, volunteering, or shopping from their artisan market, all aimed at furthering their impact.

9 Ways to Support the Cause of Women’s Education

Supporting the cause of female education is a multi-faceted endeavor that goes beyond financial contributions. Here’s a comprehensive guide to various ways one can make a difference in empowering women through education:

1. Donate to Reputable Charities: Supporting reputable organizations like the ones mentioned above directly impacts women’s education. Consider recurring donations for sustainable support, as every dollar can make a difference.

2. Volunteer Your Time and Skills: Many organizations welcome volunteers to teach, mentor, or even assist with administrative tasks. Offering your time and expertise can create a lasting impact on individual lives and the community.

3. Advocate for Policy Changes: Engaging with policymakers to push for legislation that supports women’s education can lead to systemic change. Writing to local representatives, joining advocacy groups, or signing petitions can amplify this cause.

4. Support Women-led Businesses: By purchasing products or services from businesses owned or run by women, especially those aligned with educational initiatives, you contribute to economic empowerment and educational opportunities.

5. Educate Yourself and Others: Understanding the barriers to women’s education and sharing that knowledge can foster awareness and compassion. Hosting discussions, sharing resources, or simply talking about the issue with friends and family can spread understanding.

6. Corporate Partnerships and Employer Matching: Encourage your workplace to partner with educational charities or take advantage of employer matching for donations. These collaborations can magnify the impact of individual contributions.

7. Create or Support Fundraising Campaigns: Hosting a fundraiser or supporting an existing campaign can be a fun and engaging way to rally community support. Utilize social media, local events, or online platforms to reach a wider audience.

8. Become a Mentor or Sponsor a Child: Personal connections through mentoring or sponsoring a girl’s education can create a ripple effect, influencing not only the individual but also her family and community.

9. Incorporate it into Your Professional Life: If you’re in a position to influence business strategies, consider ways to incorporate support for women’s education into corporate social responsibility initiatives.

Final Thoughts

Empowering women through education is a cornerstone for achieving gender equality and fostering sustainable development. The commitment of the 10 best charities for women’s education, as highlighted in this article, offers inspiring examples of transformative change. Supporting these organizations or engaging in any of the ways outlined to promote women’s education creates a positive ripple effect, impacting individual lives, communities, and society at large. Together, we can be the catalysts for change, paving the way for a brighter, more equitable future where every woman and girl has the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive. It’s not just a moral imperative; it’s an investment in our collective future.

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