11 Best Education Charities in the US You Must Support 2023

Best education charities in the US to support

Are you seeking the best education charities in the US and the world to support? Are you looking for organizations that make a profound impact on the educational landscape, ensuring every child receives the opportunities they deserve? Education in the United States is a critical pillar of our society, yet disparities persist.

In this environment, identifying the best education charities in the US becomes an imperative task for donors and philanthropists who wish to foster learning, growth, and future success. But how can you distinguish between the multitude of organizations, their missions, impacts, and credibility?

This comprehensive article delves into the top 11 education charities in the United States. It offers a detailed insight into their founding year, mission, strategies focusing on education, achievements, Charity Navigator rating, and various ways you can support their noble causes. Whether you’re an individual donor, a corporate sponsor, or an advocate for education, this guide will empower you with the knowledge to make informed decisions.

Join us in exploring the transformative power of education and how you can play a vital role in shaping the future. Read on to discover the organizations that have set benchmarks in delivering education, building communities, and creating opportunities. Let’s move forward together to a more educated and equitable society.

11 Best Education Charities in the US to Donate To

1. Teach For America


Teach For America was founded in 1990 by Wendy Kopp with a focused commitment to end educational inequity in America. It serves as a bridge, bringing together individuals from various backgrounds to work collectively towards improving educational opportunities for children in underprivileged communities.

Mission, Vision, and Strategy

Teach For America’s mission is to find and nurture a diverse network of leaders who are passionate about expanding opportunities for children. The vision is to ensure equitable and excellent education for all children. By recruiting individuals from various fields and backgrounds, providing intensive training, and placing them in high-need schools for at least two years, Teach For America strives to make lasting impacts on students’ lives and the educational system as a whole.

Achievements and Impact

Since its founding, Teach For America has enlisted over 70,000 leaders to join its corps, reaching millions of students across the nation. Its work has inspired higher educational aspirations and provided tangible pathways for success among children in underserved communities. Teach For America holds a commendable 3-star rating on Charity Navigator, an indication of its strong commitment to accountability, financial health, and transparency.

Ways to Support

You can support Teach For America through various means, including financial donations, joining the teaching corps, taking part in leadership programs, or becoming an advocate for educational equity in your local community. Your contribution can play a pivotal role in shaping a future where quality education is a right for every child, regardless of their socioeconomic background.

2. DonorsChoose


DonorsChoose was established in 2000 by Charles Best, a public school teacher who saw a need to engage the community in supporting classroom projects. It is an innovative online platform that enables public school teachers to request funding for classroom projects, and donors can choose specific initiatives to support. This is also why we have mentioned DonorsChoose as one of our preferred charities for donating school supplies.

Mission, Vision, and Strategy

The mission of DonorsChoose is to make it easy for anyone to help a classroom in need, moving them closer to a nation where students in every community have the tools and experiences they need for a great education. The organization empowers public school teachers to request precisely what they require for their students, allowing donors to directly fund these projects. The strategic focus on teacher-led projects ensures that resources reach classrooms that need them most.

Achievements and Impact

DonorsChoose has successfully funded over 2.8 million classroom projects, collecting over 1.5 Billion USD-worth donations for teachers and students across the United States. From books and art supplies to technology and field trips, the platform has channeled resources directly to teachers, enhancing educational experiences for students in public schools nationwide. With a 4-star rating on Charity Navigator, DonorsChoose demonstrates exceptional financial responsibility, accountability, and transparency, earning the highest possible rating on this prominent charity evaluation platform.

Ways to Support

Supporting DonorsChoose is both straightforward and personal. Individuals, organizations, or corporations can browse classroom projects on their websites and donate to specific initiatives that resonate with them. Additionally, one can gift donation cards, allow others to choose projects, or create a campaign to rally friends and family around a particular educational cause. Your support brings essential resources to public school classrooms, fueling creativity, learning, and growth.

3. KIPP Foundation


The KIPP (Knowledge Is Power Program) Foundation was founded in 1994 by Mike Feinberg and Dave Levin. It started as a small public school in Houston and has since grown into a network of public charter schools dedicated to preparing students in underserved communities for success in college and life.

Mission, Vision, and Strategy

KIPP’s mission centers around building a supportive and educational community where students develop the knowledge, skills, and character needed to succeed throughout their education and life. The vision is a world where all students can forge a path to lives full of choices. KIPP emphasizes rigorous academic instruction, strength of character, and supportive relationships. It operates with the belief that excellent teachers and school leaders, a supportive learning environment, and an emphasis on results are the keys to student success.

Achievements and Impact

KIPP has a network of over 280 public charter schools across the country, serving over 175,000 students. With a remarkable college matriculation rate among its students, KIPP plays a pivotal role in transforming the life trajectories of children in underserved areas, positioning them for educational and career success. KIPP Foundation enjoys a 4-star rating on Charity Navigator, a reflection of its excellent financial management, accountability, and transparency.

Ways to Support

Support for the KIPP Foundation can be extended through financial donations, volunteering time and expertise, or advocacy for high-quality public education. Whether contributing funds, joining a KIPP team, or engaging in policy work, supporters can have a significant impact on KIPP’s mission to improve educational opportunities for children in underserved communities.

4. Scholarship America


Scholarship America was founded in 1958 by Dr. Irving Fradkin, with the goal of making postsecondary education accessible to all students, regardless of their financial situation. It has since become the nation’s largest private scholarship organization.

Mission, Vision, and Strategy

Scholarship America’s mission is to mobilize America, through scholarships and educational support, to make postsecondary success possible for all students. The organization aims to ensure that finances are not a barrier to students’ educational dreams. Through its various programs, Scholarship America provides direct scholarships, financial aid, mentoring, and other support services, working with partners across the country to ensure effective aid distribution.

Achievements and Impact

Since its inception, Scholarship America has distributed over $5.1 billion to more than 3 million students, providing essential support that has enabled them to pursue higher education. Their wide range of programs, including Dollars for Scholars, Dreamkeepers, and Scholarship Management Services, has been instrumental in broadening educational opportunities for students in need. Scholarship America’s various entities hold a 3-star rating on Charity Navigator, a testament to its financial health, commitment to accountability, and transparency.

Ways to Support

Supporting Scholarship America can be done through financial donations, corporate partnerships, volunteering, or planned giving. By contributing to Scholarship America, supporters are directly investing in students’ futures, helping them access higher education, and opening doors to greater opportunities and success.

5. National Education Association Foundation


The National Education Association Foundation (NEA Foundation) was founded in 1969 with the aim of advancing public education in the United States. The foundation supports public school educators and students by providing resources, grants, and partnership opportunities.

Mission, Vision, and Strategy

The NEA Foundation’s mission is to ensure that every student succeeds by investing in public educators’ ideas and efforts. The organization believes in empowering educators to be leaders and innovators. Through various grants, awards, and collaboration with other educational stakeholders, the NEA Foundation provides opportunities for professional development and promotes strategies that boost student success.

Achievements and Impact

The NEA Foundation has awarded more than $7.5 million in grants to public school educators across the country, impacting an estimated 1.5 million students. They have implemented more than 4,500 projects that focus on improving student learning outcomes and fostering educator leadership and innovation. The NEA Foundation holds a 3-star rating on Charity Navigator, signifying its dedication to financial transparency, accountability, and effective utilization of funds.

Ways to Support

Support for the NEA Foundation can be made through financial donations, matching gifts, legacy planning, or partnerships. Contributions to the foundation go directly toward funding innovative educational projects, providing professional development opportunities for educators, and enhancing the quality of education for students across the United States.

6. The Education Trust


The Education Trust was established in 1996, with the primary focus of closing opportunity gaps that disproportionately affect students of color and students from low-income families. Based in Washington, D.C., this organization works at both the national and state levels.

Mission, Vision, and Strategy

The Education Trust’s mission is to promote high academic achievement for all students, particularly those of color or living in poverty. They aim to identify and close opportunity gaps that disproportionately affect these communities. Through research, advocacy, policy change, and partnerships with educators, the organization focuses on educational quality from preschool through college.

Achievements and Impact

The Education Trust has been instrumental in influencing policy changes, bringing equity issues to the forefront, and supporting practices that lead to better outcomes for underserved students. Their research and reporting have shaped public understanding and have helped in driving changes at various educational levels. The Education Trust holds a 4-star rating on Charity Navigator, indicating its commitment to accountability, transparency, and sound financial management.

Ways to Support

Those wishing to support The Education Trust can contribute through financial donations, engage in advocacy work, or share their research and insights. These contributions enable the organization to continue its vital work in advocating for equity in education, influencing policy, and supporting the academic achievement of all students, regardless of their background.

7. City Year


City Year, founded in 1988, is dedicated to helping students and schools succeed. With its headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts, City Year partners with public schools in 29 high-need communities across the U.S.

Mission, Vision, and Strategy

City Year’s mission is to build democracy through citizen service, civic leadership, and social entrepreneurship. It aspires to create a future in which the most commonly asked question of a young person is, “Where are you going to do your service year?” City Year AmeriCorps members serve as student success coaches, helping students cultivate social, emotional, and academic skills.

Achievements and Impact

City Year’s AmeriCorps members have served more than 1.5 million hours in schools, reaching over 200,000 students annually. Through personalized support, they have significantly contributed to increasing graduation rates and reducing the number of students at risk of dropping out. City Year is recognized with a 4-star rating on Charity Navigator, reflecting its strong commitment to fiscal responsibility, transparency, and accountability.

Ways to Support

Supporting City Year can be accomplished through financial donations, sponsorships, and volunteering. Individuals and corporations can partner with City Year in various ways to enhance educational opportunities for children, particularly in high-need areas. By contributing to City Year, supporters are investing in the future of America’s youth and the broader community.

8. Year Up


Year Up was established in 2000 with a dedication to closing the Opportunity Divide for young adults in the United States. This national organization provides intensive training programs and professional internships for motivated young adults who lack access to higher education and career opportunities.

Mission, Vision, and Strategy

Year Up’s mission is to ensure that every young adult has the opportunity to pursue their potential. The organization’s vision is a future in which every young adult is able to reach their potential. By providing hands-on skill development, college credits, corporate internships, and support, they equip participants with the tools necessary to launch successful professional careers.

Achievements and Impact

Year Up has served over 40,000 young adults, with 80% of graduates being employed or attending college full-time within four months of completing the program. The organization operates in more than 25 U.S. cities and has built strong partnerships with leading companies to offer internships and job opportunities. Year Up maintains a 4-star rating on Charity Navigator, reflecting its commitment to financial health, accountability, and transparency.

Ways to Support

Support for Year Up can be provided through financial contributions, corporate partnerships, volunteering as a guest speaker, or providing internship opportunities. Investing in Year Up means empowering young adults with the education, experience, and guidance needed to realize their full potential in professional careers.

9. The Mind Trust


The Mind Trust, founded in 2006, is focused on transforming education in Indianapolis and empowering students to achieve their full potential. This innovative organization collaborates with educators, nonprofits, and community members to develop new schools and support talented school leaders.

Mission, Vision, and Strategy

The mission of The Mind Trust is to provide every student in Indianapolis with access to a high-quality school. They work to empower education entrepreneurs to develop or expand transformative education initiatives. Their strategy includes incubating new schools, recruiting and developing talented educators, and engaging the community to create the best education system possible.

Achievements and Impact

The Mind Trust has successfully launched over 49 schools, serving thousands of students in Indianapolis, with over 75% being students of color. Their work has led to the creation of various innovative educational models, from charter schools to specialized programs within traditional schools, significantly impacting the educational landscape of Indianapolis. Mind Trust holds a 4-star rating on Charity Navigator, signifying its dedication to financial transparency, accountability, and effective utilization of funds.

Ways to Support

Support for The Mind Trust can be given through donations, volunteering, or partnerships. By aligning with The Mind Trust, individuals, and organizations can actively participate in reimagining and revitalizing education in Indianapolis, making a meaningful difference in the lives of students and families.

10. Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy


The Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy was established in 1989 by former First Lady Barbara Bush. Focused on improving the lives of disadvantaged Americans, the foundation promotes literacy among parents and children, recognizing literacy as a family matter and a critical aspect of life’s success.

Mission, Vision, and Strategy

The foundation’s mission is to advocate for and establish literacy as a value in every home. The Barbara Bush Foundation believes that every American, regardless of age or background, should have the chance to learn to read and write. The strategy involves developing and promoting programs to increase literacy among American parents and children, thereby breaking the cycle of illiteracy.

Achievements and Impact

The Barbara Bush Foundation has invested over $110 million in literacy over the past three decades, impacting over 3 million lives across all 50 states. Through partnerships with a variety of educational institutions, nonprofits, and community organizations, they’ve developed programs tailored to the unique literacy needs of communities across the country. The Barbara Bush Foundation has a notable 3-star rating on Charity Navigator, demonstrating its commitment to financial health and transparency in its operations.

Ways to Support

Support for the Barbara Bush Foundation can be given through financial contributions, collaboration, and advocacy. Donors, volunteers, and literacy champions can play a vital role in expanding the foundation’s reach and strengthening its impact on literacy across the nation.

11. Girls Who Code


Girls Who Code was founded in 2012 with a mission to close the gender gap in technology and to change the image of what a programmer looks like and does. Based in the United States, this organization has rapidly expanded its reach. In fact, the mission of this charity is so unique and so relevant that we have even included it in our list of the best charities for women to donate to.

Mission, Vision, and Strategy

The mission of Girls Who Code is to empower young women to pursue opportunities in computer science and technology. By offering learning opportunities in coding and computer science, they aim to equip girls with the necessary skills to thrive in a rapidly evolving tech-driven world. Their strategy includes running after-school clubs, hosting immersive summer programs, and providing continued learning through alumni networks.

Achievements and Impact

Girls Who Code has reached over 580,000 girls across the United States, with alumni majoring in computer science at a rate 7 times the national average. They have established over 10,000 Girls Who Code Clubs and have facilitated immersive summer programs, thereby substantially contributing to narrowing the gender gap in technology fields. Girls Who Code is recognized with a 4-star rating on Charity Navigator, which signifies exceptional financial health, transparency, and governance.

Ways to Support

Support for Girls Who Code can be provided through donations, corporate partnerships, volunteering, and mentorship opportunities. By supporting Girls Who Code, individuals and corporations are investing in the future of technology by ensuring that girls have equal opportunities to learn, grow, and lead in this vital sector.

Final Thoughts

Investing in education is a cornerstone of societal growth, empowering individuals to reach their fullest potential and paving the way for community development and innovation. The charities listed in this article represent some of the most impactful and dedicated organizations working in the field of education in the United States.

From nurturing young minds to fostering lifelong learning among adults, these entities are making strides in creating a more literate, skilled, and inclusive society. Whether through financial support, volunteer work, or advocacy, aligning with these causes allows contributors to be part of a collective effort that transcends individual gain and resonates with the universal values of education and opportunity. By supporting these organizations, you are not merely donating; you are investing in a future filled with promise, potential, and progress.

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