9 Best Charities for Women’s Mental Health

Best charities for women's mental health

Looking for some charities for women’s mental health? Do you find women’s charities to be a crucial part of our societal support system? How do we recognize the urgency of the cause? And, most importantly, how do we choose the right ones?

Women’s mental health is an area of increasing concern in today’s world. Approximately 1 in 5 women experience a mental health condition in any given year. The stigma associated with mental health and the unique challenges faced by women make the lack of awareness and activism around women’s mental health a pressing issue. It’s further exacerbated by statistics that reveal women are nearly twice as likely to experience anxiety and depression compared to men.

This article will delve into the critical subject of charities for women’s mental health. It will provide an invaluable guide to the top 9 charities devoted to the cause of female mental health. It will answer frequently asked questions associated with women’s mental health and offer insights on how to pick the best charity that aligns with your values and the needs of women facing mental health challenges.

If you seek to understand this vital issue, support women in need, and find out how you can make a difference, read on to explore the top charities for women’s mental health and learn how they are making an impact in women’s lives every day.

9 Best Charities for Women’s Mental Health To Support in 2023

1. StrongMinds


StrongMinds, established in 2013, operates with a dedicated focus on addressing mental health issues among women in Africa. The charity specifically targets depression, which is a widespread and pressing concern in the region.

Mission, Vision, and Strategies for Women’s Mental Health:

With the goal to uplift the mental health of African women, StrongMinds’ mission emphasizes combating depression, an affliction affecting one in four women in the region. The organization envisions a future where every African woman suffering from depression can access effective treatment. Through structured group talk therapy sessions, StrongMinds offers essential support in an empathetic and stigma-free environment.

Achievements and Influence:

StrongMinds has successfully treated more than 200,000 women with depression, empowering them to lead fulfilling lives, care for their families, and contribute economically. Their collaborative approach, involving governments and other organizations, ensures that mental health services scale effectively. Impressively, 80% of women treated by StrongMinds return to a healthy, functional life.

Ways to Contribute and Support:

You can extend support to StrongMinds through donations, involvement in their campaigns, or by championing mental health issues for African women. Contributions of all sizes further the fight against depression, providing women with the opportunity to regain control of their lives.

StrongMinds symbolizes an inspiring example of what can be achieved through focused commitment, innovative methods, and compassion in addressing women’s mental health. Supporting their work contributes to building resilient communities and promising futures for numerous families across Africa.

2. The Loveland Foundation


Established in 2018, The Loveland Foundation was brought to life to address the mental health needs of Black women and girls in the United States. With a commitment to the empowerment and liberation of the communities they serve, the foundation provides opportunities and healing through culturally competent resources.

Mission, Vision, and Strategies for Women’s Mental Health:

The Loveland Foundation’s mission is centered around bringing opportunity and healing to communities of color, especially to Black women and girls, through various forms of therapy and counseling. The organization’s vision is grounded in the belief that therapy should be easily accessible and affordable. Their main program, the Loveland Therapy Fund, provides financial assistance to Black women and girls seeking therapy.

Achievements and Influence:

Since its inception, The Loveland Foundation has made significant strides in making mental health services accessible to Black women and girls. They have successfully provided hundreds of therapy sessions to those who otherwise might not have had access. Partnerships with therapy organizations ensure that the therapy provided aligns with the unique needs of the community.

Ways to Contribute and Support:

Supporting The Loveland Foundation can be achieved through donations, partnerships, and active engagement in their initiatives. By contributing to their cause, you join the efforts to make mental health services accessible and culturally aligned to Black women and girls in need.

The Loveland Foundation stands as a prominent advocate for Black women’s mental health, showing a relentless commitment to bridging gaps in mental health care. Their innovative approach ensures that mental health services are not just available but also resonate with the cultural nuances and specific needs of the community they serve. Supporting The Loveland Foundation means backing a meaningful and vital cause that’s making real changes in the mental well-being of Black women and girls.

3. Women’s Consortium – Connecticut


The Women’s Consortium in Connecticut is committed to promoting the mental and emotional well-being of women across the state. The organization, established in 1980, recognizes the importance of mental health and offers a multitude of services that are specifically tailored to address the unique needs of women.

Mission, Vision, and Strategies for Women’s Mental Health:

The mission of Women’s Consortium is to provide holistic and integrated mental health services for women. The organization believes in treating the whole person, not just the symptoms, and employs a client-centered approach. Their services encompass a wide range of mental health treatments and support, including therapy, educational workshops, support groups, and community outreach.

Achievements and Influence:

The Women’s Consortium in Connecticut has a rich history of supporting women’s mental health. Their specialized services have reached countless women, providing them with the resources, support, and education necessary to manage and overcome mental health challenges. The organization’s commitment to offering a safe and nurturing environment has made them a trusted resource in the community.

Ways to Contribute and Support:

Supporting the Women’s Consortium in Connecticut can be done through donations, volunteering, or participating in their events and programs. Contributions go directly to supporting the organization’s mission, allowing them to continue to offer life-changing services to women in need.

The Women’s Consortium in Connecticut stands as a vital resource for women seeking mental health support. Through their comprehensive and compassionate approach, they continue to make a meaningful impact in the lives of women and their families.

4. She Recovers Foundation


She Recovers Foundation, founded in 2011, is an international movement of women in or seeking recovery from a wide variety of issues, including substance use and mental health disorders. The foundation’s guiding principles emphasize that recovery is a lifelong journey that requires support, connection, and holistic attention.

Mission, Vision, and Strategies for Women’s Mental Health:

The mission of She Recovers Foundation is to connect, support, and empower women through a trauma-informed approach, recognizing that every woman’s path is unique. The vision is to create a world where all women in or seeking recovery are celebrated, supported, and deemed essential to healthy communities. Their strategies include online and in-person gatherings, professional development for recovery coaches, and scholarships for their signature programs.

Achievements and Influence in Women’s Mental Health:

She Recovers Foundation has created a vast and engaged community. In 2022 alone, it helped over 100,000 women with mental health issues. Their innovative approach, offering retreats, events, and online resources, has provided life-changing support to thousands. Partnerships with other organizations and research entities have helped elevate the profile of recovery for women on the national and international stage.

Ways to Contribute and Support:

Supporting She Recovers Foundation is possible through donations, participation in their initiatives, and spreading the word about their mission. Contributions enhance the foundation’s capacity to reach more women in need, offering them opportunities to heal and thrive.

She Recovers Foundation’s approach to women’s mental health is compassionate, comprehensive, and innovative. Recognizing that recovery is not a one-size-fits-all process, they create safe spaces for women to explore personalized paths to healing. Supporting this organization means becoming part of a progressive movement that respects the complexity of women’s experiences and values their unique journeys toward recovery.

5. The Jean Tweed Centre


Founded in 1983, The Jean Tweed Centre is a Toronto-based organization dedicated to helping women who are dealing with substance use, mental health issues, and/or gambling problems. They recognize the unique needs of women in these areas and offer a range of services tailored to those needs.

Mission, Vision, and Strategies for Women’s Mental Health:

The mission of The Jean Tweed Centre is to provide a safe and supportive environment where women can explore their substance use and mental health issues. They are committed to innovation, leadership, and excellence in women’s addiction and mental health. Their vision is to help women build healthy lives and resilient families. The strategies include offering a range of treatment, education, and support services, all delivered with a trauma-informed and women-centered approach.

Achievements and Influence:

Over the years, The Jean Tweed Centre has positively impacted thousands of women and their families. They have been instrumental in not only providing immediate help but also advocating for broader systemic change to enhance women’s mental health and addiction services. The center offers outpatient and residential programs, day treatment, community outreach, and more, reaching women in various stages of their recovery journey.

Ways to Contribute and Support:

Supporting The Jean Tweed Centre can be done through donations, volunteering, or participating in their events. Contributions go directly to enhancing and expanding the programs offered, making a tangible difference in the lives of women struggling with mental health and addiction issues.

6. Postpartum Support International


Founded in 1987, Postpartum Support International (PSI) is a leading organization that focuses on the mental well-being of mothers during the postpartum period. It strives to increase awareness, prevention, and treatment of mental health issues related to childbearing.

Mission, Vision, and Strategies for Women’s Mental Health:

The mission of PSI is to promote awareness, prevention, and treatment of mental health issues related to childbearing in every country worldwide. PSI’s vision is to ensure that every mother and family receives support during the challenges of pregnancy and postpartum. The organization does this by providing direct peer support to families, training professionals, and offering a bridge to connect both.

Achievements and Influence:

PSI’s achievements in the field of women’s mental health are considerable, having reached thousands of families through its helplines, support groups, and educational programs. They operate a toll-free Helpline for support and resources, and they host regular online meetings where mothers can connect and share. The organization also runs various programs tailored to specific needs, such as military families.

Ways to Contribute and Support:

You can support PSI through donations, volunteering in their numerous programs, or by spreading awareness about postpartum mental health issues. Your contributions help provide essential support to mothers during a vital phase of life and ensure that no mother has to face these challenges alone.

Postpartum Support International exemplifies commitment, compassion, and specialized focus in addressing the unique mental health needs of mothers during pregnancy and postpartum. Their extensive network and tailored support systems provide a safety net for mothers and families, helping them navigate one of life’s most profound transitions. Supporting PSI means participating in a global movement to recognize and address an aspect of women’s mental health that has far-reaching implications for families and society at large.

7. Wish Centre – UK


Founded in 1987, the Wish Centre is a charity dedicated to supporting women’s mental health. Based in the UK, the organization, like many of the top women’s charities combating domestic violence, has been instrumental in providing assistance to women who have experienced domestic abuse or trauma. They offer a safe space and tailored support to help women rebuild their lives.

Mission, Vision, and Strategies for Women’s Mental Health:

The Wish Centre’s mission is to empower women to regain control of their lives after experiencing domestic abuse or trauma. The charity’s approach to women’s mental health is trauma-informed and focuses on healing, resilience, and independence. This includes providing therapy, counseling, support groups, and programs specifically tailored to the needs of women.

Achievements and Influence:

Through their dedicated work, the Wish Centre has had a significant impact on the lives of women facing domestic abuse or trauma. They have supported numerous women in their journey to recovery, offering them the tools and support needed to regain their self-esteem and rebuild their lives. The organization’s holistic approach has been recognized for its effectiveness in empowering women.

Ways to Contribute and Support:

Those interested in supporting the Wish Centre can make donations, volunteer their time, or participate in fundraising events. Contributions are vital in enabling the charity to continue offering essential services that make a profound difference in the lives of women facing mental health challenges.

The Wish Centre – UK is a beacon of hope for women struggling with domestic abuse or trauma-related mental health issues. With a focus on healing, empowerment, and support, the organization continues to impact the lives of countless women, promoting recovery and resilience.

8. The Seleni Institute


The Seleni Institute, established in New York City, is a globally recognized non-profit organization focusing on women’s reproductive and maternal mental health. Since its inception, the Institute has been a pioneer in providing comprehensive mental health care, including treatment, research, education, and advocacy.

Mission, Vision, and Strategies for Women’s Mental Health:

The Seleni Institute’s mission is to transform mental health and wellness, addressing the emotional challenges faced by women, men, and families during family-building and parenting years. The organization is dedicated to destigmatizing mental health and providing personalized treatments for issues like anxiety, depression, grief, trauma, and relationship challenges. Their vision encompasses a world where emotional health is valued equally with physical health, with specific strategies aimed at improving reproductive and maternal mental health.

Achievements and Influence:

The Seleni Institute’s achievements extend nationally and internationally through their innovative approach to women’s mental health. Their comprehensive model of care serves as a guiding light in the field. Through therapy, counseling, training, research, and community engagement, the Institute has had a profound impact on women’s mental health care.

Ways to Contribute and Support:

Supporting The Seleni Institute can be achieved through financial contributions, attendance at workshops, engagement with online resources, or volunteering. Donations directly fuel scholarships for treatment, training clinicians, and ongoing research, thereby contributing to the continuing advancement of women’s mental health care.

9. Women Organized Against Rape (WOAR)


Founded in 1971, Women Organized Against Rape (WOAR) is the only full-service rape crisis center in Philadelphia. WOAR is committed to addressing the issue of sexual violence by providing specialized mental health support for survivors and working to eliminate all forms of sexual assault.

Mission, Vision, and Strategies for Women’s Mental Health:

WOAR’s mission is to eliminate sexual violence through therapy, advocacy, and public education. The organization aims to create a safe environment where survivors are believed, supported, and empowered. Their strategies encompass individual counseling, group therapy, and advocacy for women’s mental health, focusing on healing, empowerment, and self-discovery.

Achievements and Influence:

WOAR’s influence is widely recognized, with its unique approach to mental health support for survivors of sexual assault. They have served thousands of women, children, and men, providing therapy, education, and advocacy. Their innovative programs have set a standard in the field of mental health, with a focus on survivor-centric care.

Ways to Contribute and Support:

Contributions to WOAR can be made through financial donations, volunteering, or attending events. Supporters can help the organization continue to provide essential mental health services for survivors of sexual violence. Contributions directly assist in maintaining WOAR’s free counseling, crisis intervention, and education services.

Women Organized Against Rape (WOAR) stands as a beacon of support for those struggling with the mental health aftermath of sexual violence. By providing essential therapeutic services and advocating for the rights of survivors, they foster a culture of belief, support, and healing. Their unique mental health focus and survivor-centered approach make them a key player in the field of women’s mental health.

Final Thoughts

In the pursuit of well-being, mental health stands as a critical element, and women’s mental health is a domain that requires specialized focus and care. The charities we have examined in this article are frontrunners in this field, each providing tailored support, therapy, and interventions that empower women. These organizations are not only dedicated to healing and recovery but also committed to fostering resilience, independence, and strength. Choosing to support or engage with any of these institutions translates to a direct contribution to a cause that impacts millions of lives. If mental health is a journey, these charities ensure that no woman walks it alone, echoing a collective pursuit of a more compassionate and mentally healthy society.

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